πŸ€–AI Instruction Examples

DocsParse uses GPT to extract information from documents. Here are concise, effective prompts for common data types:

Total Amount Example:

Extract the total amount including taxes. 
Return only the number with two decimal places, no currency symbols or commas.
Examples: 100.00, 1234.56
If no total found, return "0.00".

Date Example:

Extract the invoice date. Return in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Example: 2023-04-15
If no total found, return "-".

Company Name Example:

Extract the full company name of the invoice issuer. Preserve capitalization.
Example: Acme Corporation, CompanyName LLC, CompanyName Inc
If not found, return "-".

Contact Information (Email + Phone):

Extract the primary contact information (phone or email). Return in standard format.
Examples: +15551234567 or contact@example.com
If not found, return "-".

Remember to adjust these prompts based on your specific document formats and requirements.

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