
Zapier is a popular automation tool that connects different apps, enabling them to work together without manual intervention. By setting up a "Zap"—an automated workflow consisting of a Trigger and one or more Actions—you can streamline your processes.

With Docsparse, you can use our Zapier app to automate tasks such as sending data to other apps once a document is processed.

Install Zapier App

Setting Up the Docsparse App

  1. Log in to Zapier: Access your Zapier account or sign up if you haven't already.

  2. Navigate to "Zaps": From the sidebar menu, click on "Zaps."

  3. Create a New Zap: Click on "Create" and choose "New Zap." Then, select "Docsparse" as either the Trigger or Action.

  1. Connect Docsparse: Enter your API Token from the Workflow Integrations in Docsparse to connect your account.

After adding API token, you can start using Docsparse triggers and actions to automate your workflows.


To authorize Zapier app - you will need to provide API Token and Workflow ID.. To find API Token, go to your Workflow -> Integrations -> API (Click "Generate token" if you don't have it).

Zapier Triggers

New Document Processed

  • You can use this action to monitor your workflow documents and receive trigger notifications when new document is available.

  • When you receive document with the Processed status - you can get data from json proprety.

Uploading Documents

Docsparse offers two straightforward Zapier actions for uploading documents

  • using a file object

  • providing a public file URL.

Here’s how each option works:

Using a File Object:

  • You can use File objects provided by other integrations.

  • Once you submit the file, Docsparse automatically begins processing it according to the workflow you've set up.

Using a Public File URL:

  • Alternatively, you can provide a public URL pointing to the document you want to process.

  • Docsparse will fetch the document from the URL and initiate the processing workflow.

Automated Document Processing with Zapier

After uploading a document, Docsparse can trigger automated actions in Zapier. For example, once a document is processed, you can set up a Zapier Trigger to send the data to a Google Sheet, notify a team member via email, or start a new workflow in another app.

API Integration

For advanced users, you can build custom automations using the Docsparse API. This allows for more tailored workflows, especially when you need specific triggers or actions not covered by the standard Zapier integration. Webhooks are also available for receiving real-time updates on document processing.


Last updated